Ground Zero Blues Club
0 Blues Alley
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Red's Lounge - (Red himself is shown running the barbecue)
278 Sunflower Avenue
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Red's Lounge and Robert Whitfield
278 Sunflower Avenue
Clarksdale, Mississippi
White Front Cafe
902 Main Street
Rosedale, Mississippi
A collage of the men's & women's bathrooms in Sarah's Kitchen: Old location of Sarah's Kitchen and Blueshall
208 Sunflower Avenue
Clarksdale, Mississippi.
Old location of Sarah's Kitchen and Blueshall
208 Sunflower Avenue
Clarksdale, Mississippi.
Wade's Barbershop and Big D's Blues Club
317 Issaquena Avenue
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Smitty's Red Top Lounge
377 Yazoo Avenue
Clarksdale, Mississippi